got my wisdom teeth out today, and my mouth is still a tad numb on the right side :( mouth tastes yucky, and the dissolving thread they used to stitch my gums wasn't cut short enough. i think i pulled some out when i first woke up after surgery, but i don't think it was connected to anything in my mouth since it was loose to the point where I didn't have to yank it, it was sorta just sitting on my tongue if i remember right.
BUT!!!! the hygienists and the doctor were all super kind!! one of them even fulfilled my request of playing some gorillaz for me before i went under, so i got to relax a little before surgery :) i got to see my heart rate on a monitor in front of me, which i found really entertaining. something about observing what my body is doing and how it does it in real time is fascinating to me. i goofed around with it by holding my breath to see if my heart rate would drop at all, (obviously it did, shocker) but i quit it once i realized that the hygienists could hear the beeping. didn't wanna scare them/get in trouble so i cut it out.
anyway i'll make an update tomorrow. hopefully my face doesn't get swell too much!!!!
Ah,I still can remember the last time I had my wisdom tooth removed.The good news is that the pain will somewhat lessen after the first week and you had to eat only liquid food(ice cream included!).It does suck that you have to constantly spit out or swallow blood that collects in your mouth and don’t get me started on the kind of sleep you’ll have with that pain.Anyway,just know that just like everything else in life,this won’t last forever so hang in there!